In response to the numerous evolving directives being issued regarding COVID-19 both Nationally and Statewide, all 25 of the Virginia Rural Letter Carriers’ Association’s Local meetings have been cancelled. This action supersedes any meeting notice you may have received from your Local.
The CDC has issued guidelines aimed at slowing the spread of this prolific virus. As of the date of this notice, Virginia’s Governor has amended the public health emergency nine / executive order seventy-two which prohibits restaurants, fitness centers, and other gatherings from having more than 10 individuals at a time indoors. This order gives law enforcement the ability to enforce the ban. This ban remains in effect until it is officially rescinded. We cannot turn a blind eye and continue moving forward as if it is business as usual. We make this decision in order to do what is best for our Membership and their families by keeping their health and safety priority one.
The election of Local Officers (President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer) will be postponed until the next Local business meeting in the Spring of 2022.
Pending any further announcements from the Governor's office, the State Convention will continue as planned for now. The election of delegates to this year’s State Convention will be amended. Any Bargaining Unit Members and Retiree Members in good standing that reports to the State Convention will be seated as a delegate provided that said member has not accepted or acted at any time in any capacity normally performed by a manager from the end of one Convention to the end of the next Convention.
The National Office is exploring the possibility of holding an in-person National Convention this year. Therefore, national convention delegate nominations are still being accepted.
These actions have been taken only after careful consideration of the laws that govern us. We have been assured by our National Organization and the Federal Department of Labor that the course we have chosen complies with all aspects of these laws and that our decision is sound.
We wish you and your families good health and wellbeing as we continue to journey through this crisis.